By JAK - March 12, 2020

Good morning lovelies,

I am sorry that inconsistency has been knocking on my door since the official relaunch of the blog. I struggled and finally overcame excuses I gave myself as to why I haven't put out another blog post. Right after the launch on the 1st of March I decided to update the windows on my laptop and then BOOM! that was the end of my ability to use my mouse pad or keyboards. I mean what's a blogger without a functional laptop and even worse KEYBOOOOOOARDs.

Well, thank God I've found a way around it and i'm back doing what I absolutely love. See this post here to see what I love.

This is a lifestyle blog and what would our lifestyles be if we aren't safe. Our safety has been compromised and it would be gross negligence if we do not address this issue. I went to the market last weekend to get some new slay pieces and my worst fear was unleashed;

I couldn't find pieces that resonate with my style and imagine the cause: UNCLE CORONA - Mtchewwww, because of corona virus,  vendors cant't import new items for sale. And on that note Jak can't buy a ton of products.


Fun fact 

I am a Health, Safety and Environment Officer at my 9-5 and its an amazing job cos I am given the great privilege of ensuring everyone is Safe and the Environment is Hazard free. 


So in the light of that I will be sharing with you my lovelies a  few tips on how to stay safe in this epidemic.

1. Make sure to carry your hand sanitizer every where. Like you can't afford to compromise on this one. When I say 'everywhere' I mean everywhere. Alcohol based sanitizers are more effective.

2. Do not touch your face. Emphasis on parts of your face such as your eyes, nose and mouth. The virus is very evil and will get in through these channels if you do not take caution.

3. Use a tissue for cough and make sure to use a double sided mask for sneezing and cold. This one has already been abused as all types of masks have been put out there(I have even seen some tailors who make ankara masks. BUT WHY!!!!!). The recommended mask is double sided with two colors to differentiate each side.

4. Stay home if you are sick. Please, please and please again If you suspect any symptoms of excessive cold STAY IN YOUR HOUSE.

5. Avoid close contact with people especially strangers. No hugs, kisses, unnecessary handshakes and all the mushy things.


Health is Wealth my lovelies and there is no lifestyle if we are sick or dead. Please take good care of yourself and stay safe and free from Corona Virus. 

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