By JAK - July 03, 2020

Happy new month my lovelies,
I hope this half of the year brings all the good tidings you prayed for from the beginning of the year. I am hoping to really give you premium content here and be as consistent as possible.

I have always loved to write. My mom would often joke around that I would be a secretary when I grew up. Well now I am grown and better than a secretary I am a writer. If you have never read a post I have written then it is only proper that I introduce myself. 

I am Joy idAKa (JAK) of The Jaktionary. I use this space to share my passion about fashion, movies that build up and me or you depending on who is reading. I want us to build a world where  together can achieve a wholeness that comprises (Jesus(J), Others(O) and You(Y) and that would give us JOY (don't leave me) pardon me I tell the worst jokes. 

June was such a memorable month for me. Everything seemed to be happening to me.

My favorite grandma was buried in Cross River State and I was in Lagos so I couldn't even go to say good bye. 

My phone screen broke and I could not access the phone at all for almost three weeks. My laptop stopped charging a few days after the phone screen broke. Basically, my devices cooked a conspiracy to keep me away from the world.

I often suffer from a stomach challenge known as gastroenteritis and it has made me not to fast comfortably for almost two years. But in June, I fasted for 7 days comfortably without any issues whatsoever.

I am a big advocate for learning from the best and one of the bloggers I look up to runs a series titled CURRENTLY I AM each month and I took a cue from her to create my own and share it with you particularly because I trust you will learn a lot. Here I go

In the month of June, I was

READING : Austin Kleon's "Steal Like An Artist". Another blogger recommended this read and I am super happy I went ahead and got the book. It is a must read manual for everyone and better still it will help you if you're a creative. 

WRITING: short motivational pieces on my Instagram. I have been using lessons I have learnt over time to make you understand certain words that form the Jaktionary. 

WATCHING : YouTube a lot. Lately, I have been finding it a little difficult to focus on movies and so I have instead been watching tutorials on different things from YouTube. I realized in May that you are the major motivation you need in life. So, I would advice that you invest your screen time in things that would build you drastically.

CHANGING: My fashion content by styling my clothes a thousand different ways. All along I wanted to buy more clothes and I beat myself up about how I did not have a lot of clothes and wanted to get more clothes so that I could put out more fashion related content. But I realized that if you do not start from where you have a little when you have a lot more it will make no difference. 

LOVING: SIAINSTYLE and Alpha Morgan's content on Instagram.  I like Instagram and all but I really go there to learn new stuff and I have been loving a few content creators on there. Their content and their consistency.  

View this post on Instagram

Me, a black woman as ART... _ I almost didn’t think it necessary to share a blogpost about black women to buy art prints from because I felt no one would need it till I saw @thealmachronicle asking for suggestions on her instastory and a few days later @gbemiokunlola also sent me a dm about this. So yeah there’s a new blogpost on my blog featuring 3 amazing young black women who paint /illustrate black women only. Head over to my blog to check them out and also shop their affordable prints ✨✨✨ {ps : your ideas are valid and needed darling} _ My bestie likes the first picture, I like the second because it shows my new rings from @sotectonicshop so be out tie breaker, which picture are you going with? 👇🏾👇🏾

A post shared by Ifeoma Amadi (@siainstyle) on


Do check them out. I promise you will be super delighted you did. One is a lifestyle genius and the other is a lifestyle genius too. I'm gonna be a genius soon too.

BUILDING: My brand image. I have been paying attention to my Instagram feed and making positive changes such as my feed layout and content. I have been super intentional about the JAK brand. Click here to see my profile and follow this baby girl.

LEARNING:To trust. In the month of June, the major highlight was learning to trust the Holy Spirit. Trust me guys, it has been the highlight of my year. I have trust issues normally but I am super glad I am learning to trust and obey. If you take nothing from this post. Please and please lean not on your understanding and trust the Holy Spirit. It has changed so much for me.

WORKING: out. I have become super lazy these days but I started working out and for whatever reason I have been a bit consistent.

June was a smash for me. The only thing I would really love to see change is the way Blacks are treated and belittled in the abroad and also, change the rape situation in Nigeria right now. 

I hope you learnt something from this post. Make sure to have a lovely July and this series is here to stay. So expect a JULY EDITION. Also, because this blog is not about me but us I will be giving one family member an opportunity to share how their July went so we can learn together. Thank you so much fr reading up to this point.

Till my next post,
All my love,


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  1. Really enlightening post Jak. Welldone. May the good LORD richly bless you.😁

  2. Really beautiful writing JAK. Awaiting your next Post.
