By JAK - July 27, 2020

Hi my lovelies,
It's Monday. The most dreaded day of the week. Surprisingly I woke up feeling very good and productive. For someone who does not know how to follow a time table or schedule other than a school schedule. I am growing and getting better. So, I learnt that to have a more productive day you should TRY TO WRITE OUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE THE NEXT DAY, THE NIGHT BEFORE. Now, my Monday feels so much more productive and are like Fridays kinda (I love em).

Yesterday, I did a movie review on Skin the Nollywood documentary by Beverly Naya (See post here)
and it was a rather interesting discussion because it is a very vital topic that needs to be discussed in society especially because every action we take affects the younger generation positively or negatively. 

As a Christian my life is not my own and so in whatever I do, I must do as the spirit leads and from the word of God. That is why on this sensitive topic I would like to show you what the bible says about beauty. 
Most of you might think "What is wrong with this one? na only you waka come?" But the truth is if I say that I am a Christian then it must not only be in word but in action. 


I started this blog because I wanted to share my journey of overcoming a truck load of insecurities while showing you my love for fashion and helping you maximize or better your own style. I will be a hypocrite if I tell you that I am not in the business of BEAUTY. I am 100% there. So why then am I carrying my big head to tell you that Beauty is Vain?

I will tell you why.

If you are as old as me, then you must be approaching your early fifties and remember that in in 2005, Nigeria experienced one  of the worst periods as a nation because we lost a large number of citizens to  several plane crashes that left many hearts and families devastated. While writing this I am still shaken by how many people young mostly, who lost their lives in those flights. A few survivors emerged eventually (by a few I mean two at the most). 

One of the survivors is Kechi Okwuchi, a finalist of the twelfth season of America's Got Talent and a Motivational speaker. She was one of the Loyola Jesuit students who had boarded the flight and ended up with wounds I believe she remembers every time she looks in the mirror. The thing really is that before the plane crash she was so beautiful by most beauty perspectives. But now she has scars that I cannot say for sure can be removed no matter how much surgery she undergoes.

But the thing about beauty is that it isn't permanent. One day, you're great and your skin is perfect and the next thing you mistakenly pour acid all over your skin or get a large gash on your face from a very terrible accident and you learn to just be grateful that you are at least alive. But by God's grace let's say you never get into these scary accidents. We all must get old. Regardless, even if you use Botox injections or plastic surgery or which ever treatment, as you get older your skin will begin to sag and your beauty begins to fade. The you who once seemed like the most beautiful human to grace the earth with your presence begins to just want strength to go from place to place or not care at allllllllllllllll. Now, I do not intend to throw any shades or anything like that. I will just show you very beautiful women and man who could have been said to be phenomenal beauties in their time and age but have become old and wrinkled regardless. 

1. Lauren Bacall

If you read Classic romance novels like me growing up, you must have seen women like her on the cover page. She was a phenomenal beauty. Absolutely breathtaking. She was a beauty even in old age as seen below but her beauty when young could not be compared to her older looks.

2. Audrey Hepburn

Years and years after Audrey's death she is still considered one of the most beautiful women. Even if you live under a rock you must have heard her name mentioned once or twice. She was indeed beautiful but as seen here her beauty became a wrinkled version in her old age.

3. Robert Duvall (of The Godfather)

As the OG that I am I watched The Godfather when I was really little. Of course I did not understand anything. If you know where I can download it, I will be very grateful. I didn't leave out my guys cos you all are pretty too (some are handsome tho).


Basically, the gist is that we cannot escape our outer beauty fading away. It can be likened to grasses or pretty flowers that when they bloom, all their glory is seen but when they wither no body casts a second glance their way. We should however concentrate on our inner beauty that can stand the test of time. 

Isa 40:8 (NIV)

The grass withers and the flowers fall,but the word of our God endures forever.

Prov 31:30 (ESV)

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

1 Peter 3:  3-4 (ESV)

Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

The most amazing part of everything to me is the fact that one day we MUST leave this earth and on that day we  begin our journey to being in our full skeletal form. This physical beauty that we value above a lot of things will be thrown away and one skeleton might not be differentiated from the other beyond bone size and length

Am I saying all this to instill fear into you or provoke you to hate yourself and stop taking care of  your self? The answer is a big NO. I am God's baby girl and I will take care good care of this body He has given me.

If you would like to see me slay as a Baby girl, below is my Instagram profile. Follow me, DM me and join The Jak family.

I am saying that let your beauty never be priority because at one time in your life it will definitely fade away. If it doesn't fade during your lifetime, it will fade in the grave. 

Let your thoughts be fixed on  more important things such as the Great Commission our Lord called us to. 
The bible says in 

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
As I told you in my last post, this is going to be a series where I would explore beauty in all ways I can possibly explore it. 

If you agree or disagree with all I have said in this post please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments and observations in the comment section let us discuss. Also, for context purposes, I would advice that you read the post from yesterday HERE .

Till my next post,
All my Love,

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  1. Beauty on it's own is Divine, what we see is temporal, but what's from God lasts forever
