By JAK - October 01, 2021


Hi guys.


Happy New Month and if you're Nigerian Happy Independence Day.

September was ballsy. I am not sure if it was because it was my birthday month or not but it was everything and more. This should be a very interesting read and an amebo filled one too. 

My consistency this period has been scary but at the same time, it has made me believe in myself so much. I started the month with hopes that I would finish my 30-day content writing birthday challenge and the rest is history that you would hear in this post sha. 


In September, there were a lot of major events if you ask me. I am completely overwhelmed by all that happened so I guess I will just outline a few of the events and change the heading to Major Events. 

The First Major thing that happened was Following through with my birthday challenge. I am sure a lot of you are tired of hearing about the challenge. I burst my own head that is why I am just amazed. I do not know myself to be consistent at anything other than watching movies. So, writing consistently for a whole month was such a giant milestone for me. 

The second major event was switching industries. It is literally the biggest risk I ever took. I am such a scaredy-cat. Like I am literally scared of dogs and other moving things. My fear often translates into really serious stuff like making a big decision about my life and all that. An opportunity opened up to follow my dreams. Ask me what my dreams are but I didn't think for too long, I just took the opportunity before fear could get the better of me. I almost had a mental breakdown from the decision but I am so glad I took it.

If you would like the intricate scoop details, Hit me up on Instagram here

The third major event was my birthday. I turned 23 full years in September and my life has never remained the same. I am a new woman. I had my type of birthday, the layman calls it boring or basic but I call it phenomenal. 

It started with me sneaking off to work really early that day and looking my absolute shiniest. Forgive me for not having the decency to take a proper picture that day. I will do better going forward. I got a cake at work and drank wine. Fancy right?

After all the excitement at the office, I got a lot of calls from my numerous lovers and food from some of my closer lovers. I had a good time and a very quiet day where I spent most of the day with myself. I reflected on some of my life lessons and all the nuggets I had shared on here. I had a really good time honestly. I am so grateful for the trajectory of my life. 


I didn't have time to intentionally pursue self-development. I love to share but I believe as we share it is only natural that we want to learn more so that we can share much more. I could not spend substantial time reading or learning about stuff as I would have liked to. I had said during the last edition of this series that I would like to read Seth Godin's books last month but with the change in the job industry and all the numerous factors beyond my control I could not follow through.


I would say my major accomplishment in September was finishing my blog challenge. 

In the month of September, I was 

READING: One Thing You Cannot Do In Heaven. I just cried in an earlier sentence about how I did not have enough time to pursue my personal development intentionally. In the last week of the month, however, a book by the above-mentioned title was shared in church and I started reading it and could not put it down afterward. It is a testament of a man who had evangelized to so many people and what his thoughts on sharing the Gospel are. If you would like a copy, please indicate it in the comment section.

WATCHING: Netflix and Youtube. Contrary to popular belief, In September I did not watch as much TV-related stuff as I would usually do but I had a few moments with my favorites NAYVA on YouTube. They are a bunch of best friends who share everything fashion and lifestyle expression. 

I hope that one day I will kick off my Christian Fashion and Lifestyle TV with the most relatable content to help you navigate your Christian Life in the most expressive style possible. I have so much fun watching them. Check out their channel here. They no longer post content on the channel but what they have on there is sufficient to keep you inspired for a long time. 

WRITING: The blogpost challenge. This month I did not write as much as I would have liked to but I wrote I guess. I wrote many many blog posts which you can see in this post here. 

CHANGING: My attitude to self-expression and self-definition. I do not express myself as effectively as I need to. Walking out of my 23rd birthday, I knew something had changed. I just knew I understood myself better and I am willing to put in more aggressive work to get more aggressive results in return. To aid my process, I read books, blogs and use a lot of lists. They help me a lot. I will write a post on some of them. If you would like that please leave a comment in the comment section below.

LOVING: Myself. I am just loving the woman I am becoming, the woman I was, and the woman I am. Usually, I am of the school of thought that just missing out on one experience in the current life you have changes who you are. I believe we are a collective of all the experiences we have had put together somehow.

 I hated mistakes so much, I would feel like the ground should open up and swallow me if I got scolded or would get so angry if I made a mistake. 

As I grow older, I realize that I am also a product of my mistakes and there is no harm in not knowing. The problem is when you don't know and don't care to at least ask to find out. As long as you are open to learning and correction, I believe you are on your way. I am doing so well and I am loving that. Mistakes and all.

WORKING: On my skills. I have a lot of things I want to do and there is a lot of learning involved. I am working on being better skilled and more knowledgeable.  

APPRECIATING: My family. I had my mom, brother, and sister around with me for almost three weeks and it was a magical time. I realized why I usually go MIA when I'm home with the family. They make home a safe sanctuary to retreat to. I will miss them so much now that they've gone home and my brother to school.

LISTENING: To Nina Simone and Jazz. I love my music the way I love it. I have a penchant for old music. It fills my soul and makes me feel like I'm in a fairy tale. At work, I get to listen to some of my favorites and I am loving everything I am listening to right now. 

LEARNING: Expression through various art forms especially fashion on a broader scale. I am a creative person and find myself most content when I am creating. It is normal my ABBA is the creator. I have been prioritizing my learning when it comes to art and I am excited for all that is to come. 


I want to blow my mind with how much I learn and apply. I can't remember for certain but somebody said that Wisdom without application shows lack of understanding. I will be prioritizing my application which in turn should translate to proving how much I understand. 

I have no doubt that October will be amazing. Once again, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has followed this blog and has been supporting me consistently. Special Shout out to Aunty Divine. Thanks so much. Your feedback is a push for me to keep moving. 

If there is anything you would like me to discuss or address in October, I will be happy to. Please leave your suggestions in the comment section and if you don't mind, I would love to know one lesson you learned in September that will be beneficial to me too. 

You can connect personally with me on Instagram here

All my Love,


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  1. Nice write up Joy. Will let you know if I have any suggestions.
