By JAK - April 10, 2020

Happy Easter Season Guys,

If you're a Christian this begins the most important Holiday Celebration we have. It is the death and resurrection season of our Lord Jesus Christ and it is the confirmation that just as he rose we will rise too. Sadly but fortunately we have to spend this holiday locked at home. It is good and bad at the same time because we have enough time to pray and give thanks but for those who love to go out and celebrate they have to celebrate at home this time.

I introduced Microblogging yesterday here and in the spirit of practicing what you preach I am bringing another short piece.

First of all, I would like to share a short story about the day I shot this outfit

So I walked around with my photographer looking for locations to shoot and we finally found this pretty blue some may say its green sha. But that day was the day before most offices in Lagos began their remote work implementation. I was excited that I wouldn't have to enter the dreaded Lagos traffic as well as spend so much money on transportation. I was seriously looking forward to working from home. Little did I know that one day I would be tired of staying home.

That one day is here and it's today. BUT the best thing about today is it allows you to hope that tomorrow will come and that hope is what makes life seem bearable.

In the spirit of tomorrow will come I present to you five things that I took for granted before the lock down that I won't take for granted anymore. Five things I would be doing regularly cos I miss them so much.

1. I will take a lot of pictures

I am such a fine girl and I realized this year I haven't taken more than 30 pictures or something and that isn't exactly good cos pictures are memories we create to capture the moments we might not be able to recall in full. I won't hold back anymore. Whether I look my best or not I will capture that moment and treasure it. See my fine face naw

2. I will walk a little slower on the road.

If you know me personally, you might know I enjoy long walks and good breeze. So, my walk from my bus stop to my house is a long one and I am usually in a hurry  to get home and I  miss out on seeing the lights and different kind of people and all the road has to offer. But after this lock down I will take in the streets, draw inspiration from the road and take in the scent of Lagos.
See how beautiful the street is here

3. I will make self care a priority

"Self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress".
Self care involves manicure and pedicure appointments, spa and facial treatment dates, reading books for mental development, anything you basically want to do to help you relax and improve your well being. So I will schedule a lot of appointments for myself to take good care of myself. Imagine since this lock down I haven't visited a salon to make my hair or nails.

4. I will attend a lot of events

When I first moved to Lagos one  of my major motivations was that I would be able to attend a lot of self development events, network and eat at numerous gourmet serving restaurants. But I kept giving myself excuses and put off everything. Once the lock down is over I am attending everything. I will involve my mind, body and spirit in so many ventures that can make me a TOTAL woman.

5. I will buy a lot of clothes

I enjoy layering my clothes as you can see in this fit. To layer your outfits you need a lot of clothes apparently. So I will invest in more clothes so I can shoot more outfits, attend more events and generally express my personal style. 

Dress: Younger sister
Palazzo trouser: Birthday gift from mom
Shoes: Lagos Island Market
Shirt: Thrifted
Bag: Thrifted
Belt: @Le Dak

That's all from me today and I hope you enjoyed this post. Make sure to pin all the images and share if you think it might inspire someone out there.

Do leave a comment as well on things you will be doing after the lock down so we can overflow in ideas.

Till the next post, Enjoy your Easter holiday and

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  1. First off I will admit that you are a great writer and I like how you can dissect your ideas in a very concise manner..thank you for sharing your intentions and I can draw some inspirations from them too..the lockdown I hope has taught this generation a thing or two. Your outfit is alternative if I am correct..you nailed it with the black beret..you are a smart and intelligent woman..see you at the top..cheers!

    1. Thank you so much. See you at the top too

  2. After the lockdown I will go outside without gloves and without the fear of getting a life threatening virus. Just being real.🙃
