By JAK - May 07, 2020

One of the most asked questions this lock down is the question of 
What movies people can watch now that they are home and have a lot of free time on their hands? 

I have always wanted to start a movie review section on my blog but for a number of numerous reasons I never had the vibe to go ahead.

Well today, I wasn’t feeling too great earlier on in the day for a number of reasons and I’ve been doing a lot of SELF-ISH mind development as seen in this post here

So, I went on my laptop and watched a couple of self-motivating videos and just like magic I felt so much better. Later, this evening a friend said he wasn’t feeling too good and I recommended one of the videos I saw earlier today to him and WOW! He felt super encouraged.

I’ve learnt that you just have to start. There is really no right time to go for what you want to go for. Today, I saw that all the things I learn daily should be shared with as many people as care to read and listen to me. 

SO, I watched a 2016 movie production called PELE: BIRTH OF A LEGEND(a biography of a Brazilian footballer) and I learnt so many lessons from the movie and I will be sharing 20 SHORT LESSONS FROM THE MOVIE.

Here, I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Sometimes it isn’t about winning; It is about bringing your A-game to the match.

Most people are obsessed with the idea of winning but really sometimes what we really need is to learn to give our best even when we aren’t sure we have a chance to win. In the movie, Pele gets to be scouted by a  football team but his local squad doesn’t win their match. We must learn to give the best of all that we can bring to the table regardless of the outcome or result. P.S winning or wanting to win is not a bad thing at all but more than the obsessive winning mindset, compete with a mindset to learn, give the best of your skill and self and altogether just enjoy yourself while doing whatever it is you are doing.

2. You should never be ashamed of who you are

They were referred to as the shoe less boys but who cares what you think of me as long as I know who and what I am. I remember in secondary school I was laughed at by my classmates for eating biscuit a certain type of way but to be honest why should anyone feel their own way of eating biscuit is the superior way. As long as I enjoy my biscuit, it is really nobody's business. If it isn’t a horrible habit or something detrimental to others, you owe it to yourself to be proud of your style. Never, ever be ASHAMED of who you are.

 3. You are never too little to dream.

I remember wanting to do a lot of things I am super proud of now when I was a very young girl. I was 5 or 6 but today those dreams are part of the reason I can keep dreaming. It is never too late to dream and your dream is never too big as long as you have what it takes to bring the dream to reality.

4. Your family is a very strong source of motivation.

If you are the dad, mom, brother, sister, cousin, whatever. You owe your family member a great duty of believing in their dream as long as it is a possible dream. If you are the dreamer, as long as one person in your family believes in you that is enough motivation for the dream to take off. When you have shown enough potential the others will join in your Belief Ministry.

Imagine a world where all our moms and dads told us we can or could and still will make it as long as we want to.

5. You need a mentor.

The greatest exposure I have gotten is from my role models and mentors. The journey to your success will definitely get bumpy but knowing you can rest on the shoulders of those who are ahead of you in the same struggle is more than the reassurance you will need to keep driving your dream or vision.

6. Sometimes you need a setback to set your sight straight. 

Many motivational videos speak about the fact that it is not what happens to you that determines your end it is more how you handle or respond to what happens to you that is important. When we face setbacks we have two choices,
         i. You can use it as a propellant to help you see the vision clearer or make you want to win against all odds.
         ii. You can see it as an obstacle that will stop you from ever getting to the success side of your dream.

7. Agreeing to quit can be likened to reading a book to the middle and deciding not to finish the book just because someone dies in the middle. 

What if the plan of the author is for the person to come back to life sometime close to the end. It isn’t finished until it is finished. Let us always use our want to quit as a reason to read to the end of the book. Agreed the book might not end perfectly but how can you tell if you do not get to the end.

8. You have to stay prepared. 

When you start reading for an exam at the beginning of the semester it isn’t because you will have the exam the next week. Most exams aren’t till the end of the semester but we have to start preparation early so that when the time comes for us to write that exam we will be fully ready. Practice makes perfect says a fellow I do not know.

9. When you finally get a yes, it makes all the no’s seem like a mirage (something that you see but isn’t really there).

10. You have to start from somewhere.

 If you want to win Miss Universe pageantry you won’t just compete at that level the moment you have the ambition. You will have to start by winning your state pageantry, then win your nationals before you can proceed to compete for Miss Universe. We have to understand that starting from somewhere cannot be over emphasized.

11. Your unique style is what will make you stand out. 

Imagine if everything in the world was the same color. The world will be so bland. What makes life sweet and beautiful is the fact that there is variety. If life is beautiful because of variety then why are you scared of standing out and being unique. Your uniqueness is what will make people see the most beauty in you.

12. The most good looking guy often time isn’t the most talented. Most of the people laughed because he was very dark skinned but at the end of the day who was laughing.

13. You can’t ever give into doubt. You must continue believing in yourself, your talent, your skill, your uniqueness and everything that makes you YOU.

14. Be prepared to receive a 1000 No’s. Ask Thomas Edison how many No’s his light bulbs gave him.

15. You will need a hand to hold you up so you do not stumble. 

Imagine skating and someone is holding your hand and guiding you through. You will feel more assured knowing that your chances of falling are reduced even if it is by 1%. No man is an island. You will always need other people to make the ride a little more enjoyable and less scary.


16. Black is beautiful. .

17. Football is a beautiful game. (Comment in the comment section if you agree)


18. Sports commentators deserve awards. 

These guys talk so fast and almost endlessly throughout the game. I can only imagine the rigorous training they undergo to ensure they don’t lose their voices amidst the screaming and everything.

19. Aunt Rona needs to go so that we can resume all the League matches.(Aunt Corona, I mean)

20. Your victory in the end isn’t just for you. It is for all the people who ever believed in your dream and journey.


In the end, our difference is what makes us beautiful.

So there you have it. A rather lengthy review of the lessons I learnt from the movie, PELE; BIRTH OF A LEGEND. Even if you do not like football it is a good movie to watch this period. It won’t just be entertaining it will also be very encouraging to pursue your dreams.

Make sure to pin all images in this post as well as comment your thoughts on this blog post in the comment section. Your feedback helps me write better and know what you would like me to improve on. Also, to follow me on Instagram in case you would like to be friends just click here. That’s all from me today. Till my next post.

All my love,

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