By JAK - May 06, 2020

Good morning guys,

I hope you all had good night rest and an equally good day so far. One thing I am very passionate about in my life is my faith - Christianity.

Now, a lot of us have decided to use this lock down period to meditate and go over certain areas in our lives. I am trying to find my foot solidly in Christ and so I would love to share with you all my Salvation story.

Sit still, Put on your seat belts and stay tuned.


I grew up in a lovely family of six people, my dad, my mum, an older and younger sister and eventually my brother. I had a few cousins and aunties or uncles who at certain times lived in our house too. It was exciting for the most part because my dad bought me lots of biscuits. I am a biscuit girl people. Then somewhere along the line my daddy was ordained a Pastor. It was nice. We were raised in the way of the Lord. We had a devotion every morning except Sundays cos we had to go to church real early. We went out for evangelism every Saturday and had a cell fellowship every evening that same day. Trust me I was Godly in my head. I tried my best to not lie, not cheat, not steal from my mamma's cooking pot (this one was hard - I mean it's my mom's pot ohhhh). I didn't fornicate or anything. I really thought I was on the right track. I mean I spent every waking day immersed with the fear of the Lord. I would win at bible games in Sunday school and wrote during every church service. In my eyes I would make heaven definitely. When I had come of age I went out for the altar call and gave my life to Christ. One strange thing however was I always felt filthy still. Like I wasn't good enough and my good works would never be enough. I feared hell more than anything and dreaded rapture so badly for fear that I would be left behind on that day.

QUESTION IS, If I was a picture perfect good girl, then WHY DID I FEEL CONDEMNED EVERY TIME?


I left home for University a little early (who am I kidding? I was 15, most kids go to University at 13 these days). I was excited to be on my own finally, to make my own rules, serve the Lord in my own teen church and finally express myself through my own unique fashion style. I had a good start in all honesty. I joined the schools Chaplaincy almost immediately. About a semester later I was assistant Hall Chaplain and I felt very faithful to God. More like I was giving all my life to him. I stopped all social activities of course to ensure I could balance my academics and my work for the Lord very well (fun fact: till today balance remains a tricky one for me). I passed in my class and was seen as the serious kid. For life's sake I sat on the front row in all my classes. I would occasionally make eye contact with my lecturers ( class tip: make eye contact with your facilitator, it is an easy way to get acquainted really fast and if you can seat on the front row it helps with concentration if you have low attention span like me). I still feared rapture and still felt like I wasn't good enough. Then I met this really smart guy from Electrical Electronics Department. He would always ask What the GOSPEL really was? I felt very threatened (Like why the hell would you ask me that?) But okay I'd say It's the good news. I mean that's what I had learnt in Sunday School. He would ask again the next time he would see me.

 I was judgmental (nothing to be proud of)

So I gave anyone who didn't meet my standard a hard time AKA my course mates. They hated me. I was a pain their asses. I tried to force the Gospel down their throats and if you know me I can be quite persistent. I really wanted to reach the whole world with this Gospel and what better way than to start with the people right where I was. Only thing is sometimes we aren't sure of what we are doing wrong. Somehow I pushed people away from the Gospel because my message was more condemning than it was encouraging. I would talk more about all the wrong things they were doing and less about how the Father loves them regardless. 


In my 300 level, a friend of mine came to my room to visit and ended up asking me a few questions from the bible. For a bible Champion like me those questions were supposed to be chin chin but somehow they seemed like buns or egg rolls even. I found it hard to answer them. And just like that I became the babe someone else was preaching to and in that moment. The love of the father was introduced to me and I finally fully understood who I was in Christ.

To cut this long story short, Salvation is a GIFT (It is something you do not buy with good works or deeds, It is not something you get because you do not sin). It is a contract renewed for you every time because you believe in Abba and his son, Jesus. It is a gift you get because you believe Jesus exchanged your sins for a life in him when he went to Calvary's tree.  

Today, I rest assured in the Father's love knowing that rapture truly is an important event and it is the happiest event that can take place on this earth. And better than that when my Lord and Savior returns I will be joined with him and return to be one with my Father. I am in no way perfect but my imperfections are made perfect in Christ. Sin is a nature found in man and not something that we learn. It comes with the package known as MAN. But JESUS came to give man freedom from that sinful nature and also give him life eternal. 

John 3: 16
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 1: 16
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 

My Salvation remains the biggest gift of my life.

I would love to hear a short story on how you got saved if you are saved down in the comment section. Please, if you like this post do share on your social media platforms and also, pin all images on this post. Also, follow me on Instagram here let us connect and send a DM so we can become friends if possible. 

Till the next post, 
All my Love,

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  1. I love the line where you said that in Christ eyes we are perfect..quite reassuring..Thanks for this great piece
