By JAK - August 15, 2020

 Hi Guys,

I am so happy it is Saturday again already. I hope this month has been slightly all you hoped it will be and better even. My month has been exciting honestly. I am learning to just calm down. Remember "Mummy Calm Down". 

This month my goal is to be a better version of the me that lived yesterday and It has been amazing so far. I am grateful for the littlest additions and happy about the most insignificant things. 

I am a  die hard movie lover. If you know me, then you must know how passionate I am about ensuring that I watch my movies but as I grew older I decided to make meaning out of every little process we go through and that was how I started drawing lessons from movies. 

This post really is an appreciation post to all the good people who make my world go round. They push me to be better and are a shoulder when I cry ugly tears. I will try to include all of them as much as I can but these are the real MVP's (Most Valuable Players) in my life.

Thelma  Tobby  August  Kenneth  Bassey   Assumpta   DavidIdaka  Ella   Demola  Adepeju   Etum  Osagie  Amarachi  Salami  Christy  Bimbo  Tayo   Busayo  Daniel A.  Daniel   Ebuka   Fortune   Irem   Jecil   Koffi  Joshua   Makinwa   Bukola   Smile Sharon   Emeka   Meekness   Michael Bassey   Mercy Ubanyi   Tshe  Seye  Obia   Sipo, Sammy   Shade  Chisom   Soji   Somto  Teejibs  Tomi  Toni  Flourish  Uloma  Resame  Osong  Alani  Caleb  Mega  Cyril

For all you do for me, THANK YOU. You are indeed the best set of people a girl can call friend.

So, I started Lord of the rings when I was still in my final year in school but I later found out it was a trilogy and proceeded to watch everything. I started the first one, Fellowship of the Rings and found out it was over 3 hrs and 30 mins. I had already made up my mind to go through so I continued. I finished it after maybe a month or so. Last week, I am proud to announce to you that I finally finished the sequels, The Two Towers and Return of the King. 

Boring right? No, it was about 11 Hours spent on a movie that didn't add any money to my account. Best part was it wasn't even a series but it was 11 hours in total.  

Why would you make a movie 4 hours? One movie oh. It not like this movie will stop world hunger or anything but oh well. I finished it and it was a big accomplishment. But what I drew from my 11 hour escapade were two important mental lessons: Importance of TEAM WORK and WHO IS YOUR FRIEND?

Frodo Baggins is the main character who is to deliver the precious ring to the fires of the Mount of Doom. My favorite thing about the movie is that Gandalf the great sorcerer attaches Sam, a friend of Frodo to him on this mission and this is the basis of my review. 

Along the way on the journey to destroying the precious stone, 7 other characters are saddled with the responsibility of escorting Frodo to the mountain where the stone will be destroyed. Without the exceptional team work displayed by these characters there would have been no success. But today is not about team work. It is about my second lesson from the movie:


I am very sure that when you started reading this post and saw names of different people, your mind must have asked a mental question like

 "Why is she mentioning these people?" 


"I do not know them tho, what is my business?"

Your business is that, everyone has friends. They might not be people you talk to everyday but they are the ones you know you can always run to when the chips are down or you want to get stuff done. Some of them are your childhood buddies. The ones who you talk to once every year but you know love you very much. Those names constitute those who have literally become family to me by means of our friendship. 

Back to my story, Sam won friend of the year. And yes I am the Presenter of that award. Sam's strength was what helped Frodo eventually complete his task. He was the bearer of Frodo while Frodo was the bearer of the ring. 

The dictionary defines a friend as

This takes me to my all time favorite series in life; F.R.I.E.N.D.S 

I doubt I have enjoyed any series, the way I enjoyed FRIENDS. The Chemistry was amusing, the characters were strange and the script delivery was phenomenal. It was cast and released in the early 90's but It is still so relatable and breathtakingly funny. If you do not enjoy FRIENDS we cant be friends. HAHAHAHAH (Are we in a military regime? Of course we can still be friends). But did you see what I did there. 😉 

FRIENDS was a fantastic display of what it means to have people who have your back. I am of the opinion that everyone needs friends to go through life a little better. 

The funny part of everything is that I was inspired to write this post while watching S3 E4 of The Men's Club. One of my favorite Nigerian Series. An antagonist, Jasmine in a conversation with another character, Tonye speaks about how bringing harm to one of the four men in the Men's club will mean bringing harm to the other three men because they together are a team.

It was due to this statement that I decided to share with you a few things having and cherishing your friends can do to your life. Stop carrying your big head about feeling like you are an Island. Nope there's room for only Lagos Island not you. 

 1. Friends lower stress

I am not joking oh. A good conversation with a good friend can be the difference between having a terrible and good week. I am a living testimony.

2. Friends sharpen your blunt blades.

The bible speaks about Iron sharpens iron. This is very true for the close company you keep in your life. They are some of the people you are most vulnerable with and around. If you are doing something stupid, they will tell you and if you are on the right track, they will be cheerleaders who aren't dating the captain of the football team.

3. They can help you live longer

Psychologists say this one not me. But I think it is slightly correct because if you see a bunch of old people who are still pretty active at that age, they have a strong support system of oldies too who help them to know they aren't in the old age thing alone. They can brunch together, visit each other and relate on matters that probably happened when they were very young. 

4. Enhance your net worth

If you have a network of very successful friends who you know have your best interest at heart. You know that you will always be able to scale any hurdle because together they can give you the advice, recommendation and assistance you need to get where you want to. 

5. Help you live healthier lives

If you have a friend with a ripped body who wasn't  as ripped before, it could be the motivation you need to hit the gym too and get rid of your pot belly. In my case, my friend is one of the reasons I manage to eat at all. She is always on my case about the importance of eating. 

6. They teach you about yourself.

No one can bring you out of your shell more than a very good friend. They will stretch you to your breaking point and still help you apply balm to soothe your pain.  In my opinion, they tell you some of the harshest truths as well as help you see yourself better. 

7. They help you feel so much better

Friendships increase your sense of belonging and purpose. It is like your own small community where you can be confident and wholesome. 

A recent Harvard study concluded that having solid friendships in our life even helps promote brain health. Friends helps us  make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong, and allow us to rebound from health issues and disease more quickly. Friendship is equally important to our mental health.

I did something this week that made me very happy. I sent my friend a voice note appreciating the friendship we have and it left me in high spirits because I was reminded of how blessed I am to have such an amazing human as part of my life team. 

I would like us all to write a letter, mail, text, or send a voice note or something to a friend who makes your world go round. And comment if you would be doing so and the first letter of the persons name you would be sending it to. 

Till the next post,

All my love,


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