By JAK - August 19, 2020

 Hi guys,

I hope your weekend was awesome. Mine was. I made an IG reel video and the love has been amazing. It has absolutely boosted my morale to style more outfits. For a long time, I have seemingly neglected the fashion aspect of this blog. 

I have no excuses really, but I am sorry and promise to put out more fashion based content. 

One question I get asked a lot i.e by a few people just a lot of times is DRUMROLLS🥁🥁




I will be discussing how you can define your style and how I defined mine in some later posts but for now, I will be taking you through something very important that will lay a foundation for both questions I get asked. 

Now, you may or may not have pondered on the difference between STYLE and FASHION. 

I have and when I first did, I thought they meant the same thing and only had different spellings. But the lifelong learner in me was dissatisfied and decided to do some more research. 

These were my findings:


Style as further discussed by writers at Master Class is described thus:

"Style refers to a person’s particular way of expressing themselves—whether that’s through clothing, writing style, or a style of architecture." 

Fashion on the other hand as described by Master Class was:

"Fashion is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time. Fashion has to do with new trends: It refers to popular ways of dressing during a specific era." 

SO, this was like the summary in definitions of what style and fashion mean independently. It made so much sense to me and even helped me put my own style into perspective. I started my style journey from when I was probably 6 or 7. Basically, when I knew what it meant to put two pieces of clothing together. 

The best part of this knowledge for me is that we all started our style journeys at that age. Maybe 9 for some boys because your mom had to scream a million times before you would just agree to put on some clothes. 

Style is innate. It is basically and literally, how you like to dress. It has nothing to do with the present fashion trends and all that. It is simply your identity. 

Fashion on the other hand, is the more annoying older brother. It is the mom always trying to judge you for wearing red shirts on red trousers. The thing however is that no matter how much your mom scolds you for wearing what she feels doesn't look right. She still loves you and only wants you to do better. That is somewhat the relationship fashion has with your style. 

When you think of Steve Jobs, the first image that pops in your head is one of a middle aged guy with glasses and a black turtle necked sweater. I am very sure he must have some other clothes but his style preference was that and it soon became his identity. Trust me, I am no detective but I tried to find pictures of the man wearing something else but still wound back to this outfit.

I sure give him A1 for consistency. Wearing one outfit for every appearance can almost choke me. I like me some variety. 

Now, fashion becomes evident in our personal styles when we add bits and pieces of the current trends to our style. This emergence is what would make you refer to someone as FASHIONABLE. 

NOW, is there a difference between a stylish and a fashionable person? 

Leave your answer in the comment section. I do not know as well.

You can be stylish which would make you seemingly fashionable but that doesn't mean you will be viewed as fashionable by many experts in the industry. Style is mostly individual centered, whereas fashion is collective. Fashion makes up the trends you see on Fashion magazines, Runway shows and general designer outlets.

Characteristics of Fashion and Style are as follows:

Individual vs. Collective: As said earlier, the way you choose to dress, if no one could see you and you just wanted to enjoy yourself is your style. It is a very personal experience. It could range from vintage to traditional to formal to whatever you personally like. 

Fashion on the other hand is collective in the sense that it is the driving force for a period. It is usually worn by a group of people as per the dictation of fashion trendsetters such as designers, merchandisers and other fashion professionals. 

Timeless vs. Trendy: Your style is seen as timeless because regardless of what trend goes by your personal preference remains your personal preference and as such it lives with you preferably for a lifetime.  

Fashion is trendy as every year there is a new trend color or style that everyone in the fashion space identifies with.

Fashion and style overlap in our day to day choices. 

In 2020, trends have already come and gone and this is regardless of the COVID-I9 pandemic that hit every part of the world. 

Notable among trends this year are: 

Maxi Faux Coats

Shoes worn over Trousers

Bucket Hats

Square Toed Heels

Over sized Gold Chain Necklaces


For men, we have :

Cross Body Bags (Sling Bags)

Cuban Collar Shirts

Over Sized Blazers


This is my little foundational work. I really hope you learnt something new.

If you enjoyed the post, please leave a comment below telling us which trend you've tried out this year. If you haven't tried out any, tell us which trend you have been feeling very much this season.

Till my next post,
All my llove,

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