By JAK - August 28, 2021

 If you meet me personally, the most important things I hope you take home with you are:






The best thing to have ever happened to me was coming in contact with my relationship with God. The one and only true God. I often imagine what my Godless life would be like. Let me paint a small picture for you.


Just a few years ago, I was absolutely scared, judgmental and consistently worried about going to hell. That was exactly who I was. This is a true story by the way.

There is no need to ponder or justify, If I do say so myself then I know what I was doing.

I didn’t judge people and myself because I thought I was perfect;I did so because it was all I knew. I felt like if you didn’t meet the mark in my earthly eyes then how the hell would you meet God’s mark. I did the Devil’s work for him free of charge. Smh (Shaking my head)

I wondered why after trying my hardest best to be the best little girl, I had dreams of landing in hell at the end of the day. I was constantly scared. Just kept wondering if I would make it. The Nigerians around who  constantly reminded me that the people who would make heaven will not be up to ten did not help my ministry either.

I was a literal wreck. I was heading for doom. I did not like my life and I tried really hard. It was all useless to be honest. It is not really in our human nature to save ourselves. I realized I was not sufficient in the smallest and biggest way.  

I often imagine who I would have been If GOD did not come into relationship with me. Well, now I’ll never know but one thing is certain. I’d have been a wreck hating life and people and whatever.


Bottom line of my story is I don’t joke with God in my life. He is everything to me.

The past year was crazy.

I often got scared that I might not be okay (mentally and emotionally ill) and uncertain about what the next phase of my life might bring. I had no idea that almost 365 days later, I will be better, stronger, wiser, and altogether older than I had been.


It has been God all the way. I learned to love unconditionally the past year, just the way Christ loves me. With my flaws and all.

I know now that I am going to heaven and that comes with peace that surpasses all understanding. The best part now is not just that I am going to heaven. It is why I am glad to be going to heaven. I get to spend my eternity with my Savior. That in itself is inestimable.

Lastly, I have no fear of the future because I am certain of what my future holds. It holds God in it. He is my future hence; my future is certain.


I am just grateful for everything. The past year, my wins, my losses, my tears, my laughter, my family, my friends, my life, and all it consists of. 


This post is kind of personal for me because it just outlines how faithful God has been to me and how intentional he has been about my life. I do not take these blessings for granted at all.


Thank you Jehovah. 23 in a bit.


All my Love,


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