By JAK - September 15, 2021

 DO WITH LESS                              EMBRACE LIMITATIONS

                                               CREATIVITY IS SUBTRACTION

The first time I got a glimpse into these concepts was while watching a YouTube video by Mango Street LabI tried looking for the exact video reference but could not find it. So I dropped a link to their channel instead. They have amazing content for photography enthusiasts. 

The photography challenge was centered around creating content using limitations. Each photographer had to stay in a weird position or shoot from an angle they hadn't shot from before.

I loved the results of each shoot and started to think about things I could also create using the same style of limitations. 

This year, I stumbled on the concept again but in a different form. This time, it was referred to as Creativity is subtraction. This was the last chapter of the trilogy by Austin Kleon Steal Like An Artist. 

If you are a frequent follower of this blog I am sure you would be wondering what my deal with Austin Kleon is. He has gems guys, you can find him on his blog here.

He made a point that when we limit ourselves especially creatively it motivates us to want to achieve more and thus outdo ourselves in some instances.

I remember Salem King in one of his videos also stating that we should do with less. He narrated that his whole black and white video concept began because he did not have a very good camera to shoot in color mode but in black and white it looked better and so he decided to go that route.

Today, it has become a huge part of his branding.


Dimeji, another Instagram creative in a post spoke about how the type of content we are pushed to create will often time reflect what we do not have not necessarily what we have. If we have everything, our options are limitless but when we do not have everything, we create from a place of doing the best with what we have available.


This post is important as a reminder to me and it pushes the point of no excuses because we should learn to utilize from out of what we do not have and what is available. 

When my phone got bad last year and I could no longer shoot picture content, I decided I would not blog until I got another phone. 

I was deceiving myself. I did not need my pictures to blog. This year that lesson dawned and I decided that I would rant or just write about lessons I learned every week or month. 

So far, this has been my most creative season as a writer and I have been able to express myself properly through the written word via my limitation of not being able to post self-portrait-type content. 

You do not have any actual limitations because if you change your perspective you will learn that your limitation is a driver for your creativity. 

I hope with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince you that CREATIVITY IS SUBTRACTION, you can EMBRACE LIMITATIONS and you can DO MORE WITH LESS.

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