By JAK - September 24, 2021

This morning I wore a dress and had my hair neatly folded and topped the outfit with proper court shoes. I looked as though I was taking on a case today. I complained all the way to work. Usually, I can wear whatever but if I have to dress a certain way for anyone I realize I lose a sense of myself that day. 

When my mom came to visit me two weeks ago, she got a first-hand glimpse into what an outfit in a workday with Jak looks like. She began to make her reservations and observations about how "girly" clothes were missing in my outfit choices. Day after day, she watched me wear one trouser to another with barely any consideration for skirts and dresses. 

I have enjoyed wearing trousers for as long as I can remember which was what also led to me wearing a pair of trousers for my thanksgiving service in the University where the expectation would usually be a beautiful dress and a nice head tie.

I am maximalist and so bigger is better but for some reason, I also prioritize comfort which to me means a pair of trousers. 

I felt super stressed when I got to work simply because I wore shoes I decided to wear to make my mama happy. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's wrong to make your mama happy but I would advise you not to choose her happiness and your misery.

The first thing I noticed was, everyone at work commented about how different I looked. I knew something was actually different. My countenance, my level of confidence, and my comfort were all threatened.

I do me because it is the only way I know to express myself. I do me because I cannot do anybody else no matter how hard I try. I do me because there is only one me in the entire world. 

I think dresses look amazing on different people and skirts are figure-enhancing most times but unless I design that skirt or really just love it. I am a pants girl. 

This post was born from how down I felt this morning and while pondering on what the problem was I figured that just because I am not completely comfortable in my clothes, I do not really feel myself. 

These are just rants quite honestly. It is serious but it's not that serious at the same time. I would like to share a few shots from my thanksgiving Sunday in 2019 after my convocation to give context. 

Till my next post,

All my Love,


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