By JAK - September 24, 2021

Hi guys,

Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on what time of the day you are reading this post. My birthday went well and I had a nice day. I had been struggling to write the last five posts I promised which was partly why I could only write three sentences in my last post here

When I began the birthday challenge, it was a test of consistency. I made a promise to myself and wanted to ensure I was credible enough to keep my word to myself. Just when I had reached the near end of the challenge, I began to experience some slight difficulty in completing my task.

Consistency as defined by dictionary.com is the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

Generally, consistency has to have a coherent beginning, middle, and end. 

I had gone through my beginning phase which was awesome and pushed me to get to the middle and after the middle, it was time to get to the end but the end now seemed to be the most difficult. 

I remember when I was in university at the beginning I was super inspired. I kept pushing, I was completely positive. As I got to the middle of my schooling, it wasn't as easy but I knew that if I gave up I would definitely not make it to the end. I persevered but as I drew near to the end, something snapped and it was as though I no longer had what it took to get to the finish line. 

Thank God for a good support system and Christ, I was able to hold up till the end.

My point is consistency gets harder as you reach the end but it won't be complete if you do not actually reach the end. 

I will give you a few tips on dealing with cold feet close to the end of your task or big consistency challenge.

Disclaimer: These are the things I did to get back on track. They are not dogma and I am not quoting from anyone. 

1. Identify what the challenge is. In my case, I felt very overwhelmed and unmotivated especially because I had missed the date deadline.

2. Set a new deadline. 

3. Create a plan of what you need to make executing easier for you. In my case, I wrote down all the posts I had left and what I needed to write each post. 

4. Start by working when you probably feel like not doing that the most. In my case, I wrote a blog post with three sentences.

5. Slowly follow through with the plan.

I am back up and with this post, I am one more post closer to the end. I am happy that I learned a lot through the process. 

It has been fun, blood and tears guys. 

Till my next post,

All my Love,


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