By JAK - September 24, 2021

Sharing can be described as having or using something with someone else at the same time. It can also be described as dividing food, money, goods and giving it to someone else.

I remember when I was growing up, my dad would always tell me and my siblings that the best way to be very grounded in a subject is to study it, find someone who knows nothing about the subject, and teach them to understand. 

That still remains one of the most valuable lessons I have received amongst all the other beautiful things my dad has taught me. 

The reason why this lesson is as important as I say it is would be for one reason. For you to share something, you either own it or you understand it to the point where you can easily pass it on to somebody else. 

Now, if you do not understand it in its entirety while sharing you can pick up the loopholes and also see where you need to improve. 

I became a children's church tutor this year and it has been a beautiful experience so far. When I get asked questions, it makes me happy because it shows if I really understand what I am talking about or not. 

It makes me a better sharer and teacher. 

This challenge was all about me sharing my struggles, my wins and my losses. I am glad I could be as vulnerable as possible. For the first time, I felt like I really expressed myself. I have learned so much and I am better off for it.

Till my last post in this challenge,
It is all love babies,
All my Love,

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