By JAK - September 17, 2021


While trying to improve my writing and storytelling skills, I stumbled upon this really great format that I believe works in every story.

It goes thus,

Once upon a time, there was ....


One day,

Because of that,

Because of that

Until finally.

This past year, I learned that your story, the story of your life is not only beautiful because you have reached the end, its beautiful in the beginning, middle and makes perfect sense with an end as well.

I decided my story is unique and so is yours. So rather than wait for my perfect ending, I'll start the story and edit my ending as I go. 

This post tells my story but I want it to inspire you to tell yours too. This format works perfectly within the context of every narration so TELL YOUR STORY.

Once upon a time, in the city of Calabar, Jak said Ï believe there is more to my being here". She made this statement while speaking to her sister. She had realized that the way she was living did not resonate with the picture of where she believed she was going. 

Jak was completely unsure what it was she needed to do to change the course of her life but she believed that if she could put a face to the direction she was heading to. It would make her decision much easier. 

Everyday she would ponder on what she needed to do differently or what her real assignment was. She liked to write since she was a little girl and usually would write as a means of dealing with bad emotions. She also would often illustrate clothes whenever she found some time or was caught up in a boring lecture or space. 

One day, while she was attending a boring lecture, she started illustrating a small dress at the back of her note. She sat beside her friend Onyinyechi that day. Onyinyechi had been observing Jak for a while and had been meaning to have a conversation with her. 

When Onyinye could no longer hold it in, she tapped Jak and asked her if she had a portfolio for her designs. Jak responded in the negative and stopped what she was doing to enable her listen to what Onyinye was driving at. Onyinye was a tailor and commended Jak on her beautiful designs. She further advised that Jak should create a portfolio and have all her designs in one place. 

Luckily for Jak, these events happened just a short time before her birthday. She asked her friends to give her a journal and sketch book for her birthday gifts that year. After she got the gifts, she started to cut and paste the designs she could find in different places on the sketch pad. 

Because of this in a short time, Jak had accumulated a lot of designs in her book. She would often draw in the sketch book or cut out the designs and paste if she wasn't with the book at the time when she was sketching. 

She also decided to move a step further. Jak started styling herself to class. Before long, her school mates began to notice she was really fashionable and would hail her whenever she came to class. 

Because of that Jak became very intentional with her style and decided to start a fashion blog as well. She ran the blog unsuccessfully for about a year. She combined her two most important skills, Writing and Fashion. As she grew as a brand, she also realized she was a badass speaker and a killer at presenting. 

She was besides herself. Slowly, her dream of being more than just a passerby was coming to life. She rebranded and began her blog again. This time, she decided to change some strategies and implement some new things she had learnt from running the previous blog. 

She still runs the new blog to this day and has grown as a strong fashion influence in her space. 

Finally, she is on her way and her journey is literally just beginning. She is a star and can achieve whatever she lays her mind to do. 

Jak's story is not unique because there is anything special about her. It is unique because there is only one Jak in the world and so her story cannot be replicated neither can it be lived by any body else. Ypur story is unique too because you are you.

Comment on your favorite part of this story and share a snippet from your own story too. 

Till my next post,

All my Love,


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